- Your payment may be submitted immediately.
Fees may be charged if funds are not available.
- All payments received must contain your valid customer number.
If you don't have it, please contact our office at 801-293-1830.
- Your bank account number and routing number must match the bottom of your checks (NOT deposit slips).
If you don't have any checks, please contact your bank to obtain the correct numbers.
Payments returned because of incorrect information, will be treated as non sufficient fund checks.
- You CAN NOT use cashier's checks or money orders to make online payments.
Payments must be made from a checking account.
- By entering your information on this page, you certify that you are a signer on the provided bank acount and you authorize Ledingham Properties to create a bank draft for the payment amount you have entered.
- Only one payment per bank account per 24 hours is allowed online.
- Online payments must be at least $10.
- Payments submitted after 4:30 PM or on days when our office is
closed will post on the following business day. Late fees may apply.